Success Story Schwarzkopf

By introducing BatchMan, Schwarzkopf‘s batch processes with long lead times were reduced from 72 hours to less than 4 hours.

Challenge: Cost pressure and lack of manpower

In an industry where change is a constant feature, the development of new concepts and products plays a special role. Therefore it seems almost natural that Schwarzkopf Professional has taken a new path in an IT project as well. But in order to achieve its goal, Schwarzkopf needed a competent partner at its side.

The migration from SAP R/2 to SAP R / 3 in 1996 had an extremely challenging issue: in SAP R/3, there was no instrument for optimally controlling the complex batch processes. The individual processes could only be monitored with great effort, because in addition the expiration times varied considerably. The task was therefore clearly defined: A job control instrument that could be integrated into the system had to be found – as easy to operate as possible.

Flowcharts should clearly map the complex network structure of the company. This way, the responsible employee was able to quickly see which processes were currently taking place and how much time they still needed. The high degree of automation would take the enormous cost pressure and the reduced manpower into account. The problem was recognized, but the solution still had to be found.


Erfolgsgeschichten HONICO Kunden

Industry: Consumer Goods

Use Case:Development of software for optimal control of multi-layered batch processes

Advantages: Reduced manpower through automation of 95 percent

Schwarzkopf's innovation in SAP job control and the emergence of BatchMan

Schwarzkopf Professional thus decided to commission the company HONICO Systems that specialised in the development of a 100% ABAP-based job control system that could be fully integrated into SAP R/3. In May 1996, the finished product BatchMan, which met all the set requirements, was taken into production. One of the core requirements of Schwarzkopf Professional involved clearly mapping the complex network structures on the basis of process charts and to plan jobs, job steps and networks in such a way that would permit both time and quantity-based automatic process monitoring.

Schwarzkopf's goal: monitoring and maintenance of max. 1 hour per day for system administrators


  • Central planning, control and monitoring of automated processes (SAP/non-SAP)
  • Automatic recovery functions and alarming
  • File-backup & switchover functionality for maintenance and downtimes
  • Completely integrated process documentation, even Solution Manager
  • Change history and error acknowledgement
  • Extensive reporting and mass change possibilities
  • Graphic modelling and visualization of process chains

Successful job scheduling for 25 years

The innovation lay in the possibility of parallel operation. Different processes run simultaneously under BatchMan, with the result that at Schwarzkopf Professional long term run job , such as a price calculation for all products, have now been shortened from 72 to 4 hours. 

Freed-up resources can finally be used optimally again, as care and supervision take only one hour per day. At Schwarzkopf Professional, BatchMan has been put into productive operation since May 1996. The software now manages up to 300 jobs automatically. User-friendliness, clarity, integration in SAP R / 3 – the requirements for the product to be developed were fulfilled without exception. 

Schwarzkopf Professional has since used the innovation it helped to create in its subsidiaries worldwide and has been a satisfied HONICO customer for 25 years.

About Schwarzkopf Professional

With strong brands and innovative concepts, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA has maintained its position among the leading companies in Germany for many years. The product range extends from adhesives and household cleaners to cosmetics. Since 1995, Schwarzkopf Professional has been part of the international Henkel Group. Hairdressers around the world trust the high-quality hair care products from Schwarzkopf.