Success Story Viessmann

Over 50% savings in working time with BatchMan Automation

Replacement for CA-7

Viessmann has been using BatchMan successfully for over 20 years. Before BatchMan, Viessmann used a scheduling system outside of SAP, namely CA Workload Automation CA-7, now part of Broadcom Inc.

In the course of the SAP R2 to R3 migration, Viessmann needed a better integrated scheduling solution. The requirements for this new product were primarily that it be R3 capable and integrated with SAP. In addition, dependent nested process flows should be easier to plan.

Kunde Viessmann Honico Systems GmbH

Industry: Heating technology (air conditioning and cooling solutions)

Use Case:Migration from CA-7, migration to SAP S/4HANA

Advantages: Transparent processes and only half the number of manual activities

Viessmann has relied on BatchMan for 20 years:

  • Variable periodic scheduling of jobs
  • Control of process flows and graphical representation
  • Substantially lower error rate
  • Extensive job checks
  • Central job management and communication via
    several satellite systems

5,300 jobs, with half the staffing level

Although the Viessmann company has grown significantly, Viessmann needs a maximum of one to two people to control the job processes. Before the introduction of BatchMan, smaller companies required three to four people to manage the processes. Accordingly, Viessmann saves well over 50% of manpower through automation.  Worldwide, Viessmann controls the following background jobs with BatchMan: invoicing with over 50 sales organizations, the ordering system, production and warehouse control (MRP), HR time management and FI/CO. Currently, 5,300 jobs with 11,500 steps are automated.

The advantages of BatchMan are the complete transparency of the processes within SAP, the research and process flows and the temporal and graphical representation. In the meantime, BatchMan has been migrated to SAP S/4HANA. The migration was simple and went smoothly.

About Viessmann

Viessmann IT Service GmbH is the central IT service provider for the Viessmann Group. With 230 employees in Allendorf and around 140 employees in Wroclaw, Viessman IT Service provides basic IT (hardware, software and services) for all internal users and develops digital services for partners and end users. Viessmann IT develops future-oriented solutions for all business areas as well as the integrated solution offering of the Viessmann Group.